FIT info-tracking project


Spinning off from the FitWatch initiative, the purpose of this project is to assemble the information acquired by various participants and present it in an easily-readable spreadsheet format. Scrolling across the spreadsheet will reveal links to photos where available. To return to the spreadsheet after viewing a photo simply click your browser's "back" button.

If you'd like to collaborate in this project by helping maintain/update the spreadsheet, or want to embed the spreadsheet in your own webpage contact me.


Karen Eliot | 4 October 2007 at 13:39

Hi Mike, nice spreadsheet!

There is a photo of Zaffer Mughal here:

Apparently he also has the number 'ID 14'


Is there a URL for just the spreadsheet by itself?

fotdmike | 4 October 2007 at 17:02

Hi Karen.

Thanks for that. Have updated the sheet accordingly. The URL for the spreadsheet on its own is